Second day of BLC 2024 highlights studies and debates on Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

The second day of the Brazilian Lymphomas Conference (BLC 2024) was marked by an intense...

The second day of the Brazilian Lymphomas Conference (BLC 2024) was marked by an intense participation of professionals in the field, who presented relevant and promising studies.

The mission of the “Brazilian Lymphoma Conference” is to bring together the best specialists in the area of lymphoma. I am very grateful to the Organizing Committee of the event, in particular to Dr. Carlos Chiattone, who has been tireless in making this event a reality and turning it into an enormous tradition for ABHH. I invite all of you to actively participate in the association,” said the president of ABHH, Angelo Maiolino.

Then, the presentations on the treatment of high-risk Mantle Cell Lymphoma were highlighted, with specialists Jacob Soumerai and José Sandoval, both from the United States, discussing new horizons in this field.

The experts also discussed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, moderated by Celso Arrais and Ricardo Bigni. The event followed with intensity, especially the session on Game of Thrones in LLC, where specialist Christine Ryan, from the USA, provided profound reflections on first-line treatment for CLL, highlighting the CLL14 study as a positive development.

The topic of covalent and non-covalent BTK inhibitors in the treatment of CLL was addressed by Alexey Danilov, from the USA, together with the discussion on new clinical and biological prognostic factors, conducted by Stefano Luminari, from Italy.

Closing the day, the event president mediated a debate on Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas with the speakers André Neder Ramires Abdo and Thais Rodrigues Fischer. The event was marked by a rich exchange of knowledge and perspectives, consolidating itself as a fundamental space for the advancement in the treatment of lymphomas