Young Blood Program

What is the program?

The ABHH Young Blood Program aims to encourage medical students in Hematology, Hemotherapy, and Cell Therapy.

What are the benefits

Open Innovation Bootcamp in Cell Therapy with Supera Parque;
Mentoring program;
Free registration for ABHH events;
Discount on supported events;
Access to HEMOTECA (classes);
Access to Hemo.educa courses;
Participation in sweepstakes;
Receipt of scientific and institutional news;
Receipt of the HTCT and ABHH Scientific Journal in Review;
Exclusive WhatsApp and Telegram group.

Dashboard mockup

How to be a part?

The supervising professor of the Academic League must:

- Be an ABHH member;

- Complete an Academic League form, as it is subject to approval;

- After approval, the advisor can register students for the League.

The maximum number per League is up to 15 students.