
National Blood Components and Derivatives Policy Advisory Chamber - MS - SINASAN

Dante Langhi Junior
José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior

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CBHPM Technical Chamber — AMB

José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior

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Technical Chamber of the National Policy for Comprehensive Care for People with Sickle Cell Diseases of the General Coordination of Blood and Blood Derivatives /DAET/SAES/MS.

Clarisse Lopes de Castro Lobo

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Technical Chamber of Hematology and Hemotherapy = CFM

Dante Mário Langhi Jr.
Hélio Moraes de Souza
José Francisco Comenalli
Marques Júnior

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Technical Advisory Committee on Rare Blood (Cat - Rare Blood) - National System of Blood, Components and Derivatives (SINASAN)

Alfredo Mendrone Júnior

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AMBR Parliamentary Affairs Committee

Jorge Vaz Pinto Neto

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National Accreditation Commission of the AMB - CNA

Dante Langhi Junior

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National Medical Residency Commission

Dante Langhi Junior
Dimas Tadeu Covas

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Committee for the review of CFM resolution No. 1021/80

Carlos Sergio Chiattone
Carmino Antonio E Souza
Dimas Tadeu Covas
José Francisco Comenalli Marques

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Legal Committee of the Medical Act of the AMB

Antônio Francé Junior
Maria Cleusa Guedes

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CREMERJ Supplementary Health Committee — COMSSU

Angelo Maiolino
Regina Dutra Dantas

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Standing Committee on Biovigilance - ANVISA

José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior
Alfredo Mendrone Júnior

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National Blood Components and Derivatives Policy Advisory Chamber - MS - SINASAN

Dante Langhi Junior
José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior

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State Oncology Reference Committee - Department of Health of the State of São Paulo

Carlos Sergio Chiattone

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Technical Committee for Oncological Drugs — Department of Health of the State of São Paulo

Carlos Sergio Chiattone

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INCA Advisory Council — CONSINCA

Carlos Sergio Chiattone

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Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Medical Association — AMB

Dante Mário Langhi Jr.

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Editorial Board of the Journal of the Medical Association
Brazilian — RAMB

Fernando Ferreira Costa

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Editorial Board of the Journal of the Medical Association
Brazilian - RAMBJR

Denys Eiti Fujimoto

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National Blood Plan Preparation Group — PLANASHE — CGSH/MS

Dante Mário Langhi Jr.

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Technical Group on Compensation Models and Subgroups — ANS (DIDES/ANS)

José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior
Angelo Maiolino
Jorge Vaz Pinto Neto

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Working group for the valuation of the AMB Specialist Title project

José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior
Dante Langhi Junior

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CFM Board of Directors Working Group, Medical Entities and Specialty Societies

José Franssco Comenalli Marques Júnior

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All together movement against cancer — TJCC

Eduardo Magalhães Rego
José Francisco Comenalli Marques Júnior

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